Powerpoint is a dangerous tool. Nevertheless, it’s useful to see how the top design and innovation firms describe what they do. Below are examples of how these design and innovation firms present to a general business audience. A couple of them were made for specific events so don’t get too distracted by the detail.
You can certainly take your time with them but the goal is to absorb an overall picture of what would work for yourself to use as a tool in describing your own work to your CEO, CFO, engineers and even the marketing team.
Adaptive Path: Subject To Change: creating great products and services for an uncertain world
Frog: Design In The Age Of Convergence
Ideo: Design Thinking
Stone Yamashita: The Worlds Largest Innovation Lab
Each of these presentations is a different take on the core issue of how we describe end-user centred design, design processes and design thinking to a business audience. Which do you feel are the best and worst?
They need more explaination but I like slide 61 of the Stone Yamashita presention.
It’s pretty close to a good summary of the traits of a design led company culture.